1. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI shell command that is used to display all of the environmental variables and their values is _____. (Points : 5)
2. (TCO 1) Which one of the following Windows AT commands specifies an action that will take place at 3:00 p.m.? (Points : 5)
3. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI command that is used to display the search path for the executable files is _____. (Points : 5)
4. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI command that is used to display the extensions recognized as executable files is _____. (Points : 5)
5. (TCO 2) What is the assignment operator? (Points : 5)
6. (TCO 2) What is the division operator? (Points : 5)
7. (TCO 2) The value of a string constant will _____. (Points : 5)
8. (TCO 2) What is an example of a string constant? (Points : 5)
9. (TCO 2) What is the multiplication operator? (Points : 5)
10. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file
11. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file
12. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file.
13. (TCO 7) The questioning that causes extraction of data from a relational database is known as _____. (Points : 5)
14. (TCO 7) Which one of the following is a correct SELECT clause in a VBScript program for selecting the fields: FirstName and LastName and Age? (Points : 5)
15. (TCO 7) In a VBScript SQL Query statement, what Boolean operator can be used to test a set of conditions whereby all conditions must be true? (Points : 5)
16. (TCO 7) Which field would be suitable as a primary key in a table that contains employee records? (Points : 5)
1. (TCO 5) Intermediate values that are not inputted or displayed should be stored in _____ variables. (Points : 5)
2. (TCO 5) What variable scope will not interfere with other variables of the same name? (Points : 5)
3. (TCO 3) Which of the following is a possible value for a Boolean expression? (Points : 5)
4. (TCO 3) What produces the same result as the following pseudocode?
5. (TCO 3) What VBScript Boolean operator could be used to combine the following decision-making structure into a single If/Then structure? (Points : 5)
6. (TCO 3) Every decision you make in a computer program involves evaluating one or more _____ expression(s). (Points : 5)
7. (TCO 3) What characters can be used to force operator precedence? (Points : 5)
8. (TCO 4) A loop within another loop is imbedded is known as a(n) _____ loop. (Points : 5)
9. (TCO 4) What is the term used to represent individual items in an array? (Points : 5)
10. (TCO 4) The value of array subscripts are always ____. (Points : 5)
11. (TCO 4) What is the term for the numbers used inside parentheses to reference an array element? (Points : 5)
12. (TCO 4) A VBScript array stores a _____ in memory. (Points : 5)
13. (TCO 1) Write the Windows CLI command that will map the network share called PublicData on FileServer1 to the X: drive for the user netuser with a password of netpass. (Points : 10)
14. (TCO 1) Write the NETSH command that will set the IP address of the interface name “NIC” to with a default-gateway of and a metric of 1. (Points : 10)
1. (TCO 2) Give the order of precedence for all of the arithmetic operators and the parentheses.(Points : 10)
2. (TCO 3) Given the variables hoursWorked and payRate, write the VBScript code that will calculate grossPay such that all hoursWorked above 40 hours will be paid at time and a half.
3. (TCO 7) Assuming that you are connected to a database table called Computers with the fields Computer, Hostname Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, Speed, OS_Type, Memory, and HDD_Size. write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that all the fields will be displayed for the records that indicate a speed greater than 2 and a memory value greater than 4. The returned records should be sorted by OS_Type. (Points : 10)
4. (TCO 5) Write a VBScript function called Average(num1,num2) that accepts two numbers and returns the average value of the two numbers.(Points : 10)
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